Hi there! There are tons of websites that offer free models. A few of them are:
Blend Swap
These websites have filters that let you choose the amount of money (including free) you want to spend on money, and if the model can be used commercially! There are also websites where you can request a partnership with a model designer, and you can decide whether he gets paid a royalty, or a one time fee. Just search around for some car models, but an important thing to remember is pay attention to copyright information, such as attribution, or commercial licenses.
Hi Guys!
I am currently developing a third person game and am stuck in the vehicle development part. So I just wanted to know, can someone model and set up a vehicle for me? I want a jeep-like vehicle. I could credit the designer ingame as well.
There is also a Jeep like vehicle, that is already in one of the free projects that Epic released. It has the skeleton, and some animation blueprints, etc. You may wish to download that, in order to have something to work with in your game, while you search for something else. The name of the project is “Vehicle Project”.