Hi All,
I have a racing style game that allows you to drive off ramps, hills, etc. and hit a key to do a trick (in this case a forward flip). I am using the SetWorldRotation node and it is working fine, the vehicle does a 360 degree front flip. The problem comes in when the vehicle hits he ground before rotating all 360 degrees. Instead of crash and tumbling on the ground it always instantly rotates back to its upright position.
Here is the code I am using.
The script plays all the way through (tested using the print function to see where the Flip Timeline stops). The Jumping variable is a trace to determine how far off of the ground the vehicle is.
Any help getting the vehicle to crash when it can’t complete the trick would be appreciated. Much thanks!
I don’t see anything obviously wrong… Is it going into Break Tick correctly? What do you get out of setting Max Angular Velocity?
Thanks for your reply Nick.
Yes, it Breaks trick correctly (or at least it seems to). I have tried to show that a few different ways while troubleshooting. I print to screen the output of my timeline and it always stops when my vehicle hits the ground. But them poof its back upright like its taking the last frame from the rotation and applying after the fact.
Hmmmm on the Angular Velocity. I had it in there because when you go off of a jump the vehicle was rotating too much in the air. I want a bias towards staying upright in the air so once the vehicle is ‘jumping’ I drop the AV to ~30. I tried it bybassing the AV node and it works the same (I think because I am teleporting in the rotation node).
Are you basing this on a vehicle template? Which one? It works well with normal actors, I wonder if there is something special about vehicles…
Yeah, its based on the advanced vehicle template.