I Trying to get vegetation to grow on a house over time but i do not know the best way to do it does any one have any ideas how to do this,
an example of what i’am looking to happen can be found here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NvDhNZNSBk, Hope this Helps.
This question is a bit too general. This could be really simple or rather complex depending how growth over time is shown. For starters, if the vegetation is growing while the player off doing something else, you could easily just switch the meshes every time when the level is loaded again during runtime.
If you want it to grow while some one is staring at it, it’ll probably be a combination of animating a vegetation mesh and showing/hiding components while during the animation.
I would approach this with a material and gradually transition using a clamped gradient. Much like the circular loading bar works if you’ve seen that. Basically you could have like a plane that you place on the walls of your house and then using the material you could gradually expose an ivy mask. Then you could add more depth by procedurally adding green spots to the actual walls as if moss is slowly growing on them.
Just an idea, there are probably better ways to do this.
Thank you for the Ideas, But another thing i should of added is that you make the house in game so it could look like any thing, though all of the walls are one size.
I would suggest using dynamical material blending with paramters for e.g. paint peel-off or dirt like in this pack: Modular House Quick Kit in Environments - UE Marketplace.
Also you can add decals that fade in on top of that for e.g. waterleacks, dust, rumble…
If the structures deteriorate so far that the geometry changes, than you could switch them for a destructible or have different stages of each static mesh for decaying, bending, depending on the structure you like to have. E.g. for a wooden floor/wall/ceiling you could have planks bend, whereas for the same strucutres in stone you have bricks missing.
I also suggest to have at least 3-5 variations of each stage to avoid repeating patterns.
Thank you very muck for the suggestion