Vector tracks unhide after recompiling blueprint

I just updated to Unreal Engine 4.5.1, and for some reason I am having lots of trouble creating a new timeline. All I want to do is make an a cube slide up and down, and have easily done it before in previous versions. Now the check boxes for all the different axis are uncheckable, and when i compile it, the randomly become checkable. I am also having trouble just making a new point, as all three axis go to the same point, and just all sorts of trouble like that.

See the screen shots for more clarification, or comment.

Hi GamingClass,

I have been able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-4975 to be assessed by development staff. As a workaround, you can create a float track that increases to a desired point, then use a “set relative location” node with a vinterp between the beginning point and an end point on the Z axis.