Let me preface this with a disclaimer, I’m very new to both blender and game dev. (UE4)
I’m creating a 2d platformer with my original artwork created in Adobe Illustrator, vector or SVG files.
Initially i was going to animate these characters using an IK plugin with After Effects to create flipbooks but realized I wanted something more organic, when I found out UE4 supported Inverted Kinetics (IK) and the kind of physics I was looking for, but only for “3d type” assets. But what if that 3d asset was actually 2d with skelly elements that I could program like any other 3d model except on a 2d plane
Anyways, I’m looking for reading material on 2d animation in Blender to UE4 with IK and physics in this 2d style specifically vector characters. Has anything like this been done? I think LIMBO has inspired me most. Should I even attempt to try it? What are some pitfalls from those who know the program and is there a workaround that would make this project even worth it?
So far in my head the pros/cons look like this:
Cons: idk wtf I’m doing
Character skeletons could be copied/pasted for similar characters?
Which means similar character animations could be copied/pasted? (Walk, Run, Idle, Jump cycles)
Animation Blending in UE4
Physics in UE4
IK integration may or may not transfer over to UE4?
Or should I just go back to animating frame-by-frame and piling on a ****-ton of different transitions and variations flipbook style.