Vcam Proxy Camera - PP Volume/Render Settings

Hi Team! I’m working in UE 5.1. I have a small scene set up in a home, where I’m filming an object on a tabletop.

I used LiveLink and VCAM to compose some shots with my iphone. This all worked great and I have the shot I want in a sequence. The issue is that when I render this sequence through Media Render Queue, some of my Post Process Volume settings are being ignored.

Put another way: ONLY sequences with VCAM have this issue. If I create a sequence with a regular CineCamera actor, animate the camera by hand and render it, I get a beautiful image. But if I use the same post volume, sequence, render settings and everything else, but my camera is a VcamProxyActor, the resulting render is is slightly blocky, has no DOF whatsoever and doesn’t look Path Traced. It’s almost as if the VcamProxyCamera is ignoring my Post Process volume or using a different LOD.

Any help is very much appreciated, thank you!

Could the it be a simple case of the post process volume not covering the entire section of the scene?

Thanks for the suggestion. The post process volume is unbound, so that should not be an issue. And again, if I just use a different camera, all works as expected.


No worries, could it be the the camera is overwriting some of the post process settings? I don’t believe this is the case, but it is worth checking.

After several days beating my head against the wall I finally solved this.

In order to make VCAM function, you have to set the Frame Buffer Pixel Format to 8bit RGBA. To get my VCAM renders to look right, I had to set that setting back to 10bit. It didn’t affect regular CineCameras, but Virtual Cameras for some reason seem to render without Multisampling Effects… or something. They just look like crap. Even in Path Tracing mode with crazy AA settings.

I don’t know enough about UE to know if this makes any sense, but it worked for me. I hope it helps some other poor soul who gets stuck in this loop, because none of the tutorials or documentation I’ve seen say anything about reverting that setting to its default value before attempting to render in high quality.