VCam Dilation Issue 5.4

Hi there, in UE 5.3 I could slow down the record speed in vcam to record fast action (as suggested on the vcam page of documentation). It would playback correctly at 24fps in sequencer.

However in 5.4.4 if I slow down the record speed in the vcam the playback is VERY fast, and its producing a ton of subframes.

I desperately need to shoot fast action but have it playback at 24fps, without subframes… any advice. I’m testing every possible combo of clock source, locking to display rate at runtime, enabling / disabling snapping etc but nothing is helping…

Hello. I am in 5.5 and if I slow the record speed down to 0.25 and I play back that record it plays at 4 times the recorded speed. Is this not what you are experiencing? Is it playback at a faster rate than the multiple of the record speed?