Vault System on corner

Hello, I have been following this series and i ran into a small problem. Vaulting works perfectly fine. However it will vault over a high corner . I do not want this. The wall is to high to vault over. Im unsure on how to fix this. I have provided a video below of what it is doing and included all the code for the system. Any help would be aperciated.

Vault System in Thirdperson BP

Vault System Event

can you take the Z-Height of the object you are going to “vault Over” and then your Actor’s Z-Height and determine a maximum difference between them.

(I will be assuming that the physics system has not been modified and Z is still Up) for example if the Actor is 100 units tall, and the Origin of the actor is about Z-Center that would mean that the offset for something about “waist high” would be about 10 higher.

you are already getting a sphere “on top of” the object being considered, so take the World Z-Height of the first sphere that is “on Top Of”, and subtract its Radius then get your Actors World Z-Height (the Actor might be say in “under ground”, or on a rooftop) adding some arbitrary offset for “Vault Max”, and compare these values

if at any time if (SphereZ - Radius) > (ActorZ + VaultOffset) then it should no longer be considered for Vaulting; maybe it could be considered for climbing, but that is separate to your question. You could skip the -Radius part if you take it into account with the VaultOffset.

this is a visual representation where technically I have taken the Radius into account on the VaultOffset, you can play around with offsets you get your desired effect

keep in mind that “believable enough” is the biggest target, and there may be questions from your player’s “if I can vault over things why can’t I climb up things” which the system you have could be reused there just with a different Offset value.

Thank you for your detailed answer. I will look into this. Maybe i should just create a climbing system so vaulting at that height is no longer an option