Variant manager on duplicated levels

We have built a configurator. Works great using Variant Manager. We have hundreds of options, and one of those options is to change an object’s environment which since each environment needs it’s own light build we are going to do it via loading sublevels.


When we do this the variant manager breaks. The bindings aren’t relative to the level but somehow absolute to the assets which seems weird if it’s only going to work on a level by level basis. Right now we are left with rebinding every single asset in the variants and that would take a few days. Anyone have a better way to “reconnect” the assets from the variant manager to the new level’s objects?

Within each level, the objects and related materials DO NOT change, we simply cull the environment. What’s happening here?

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Sorry, don’t have an answer, only to report that I have the same bug:
I have one level with 100’s of objects.
I save my level with a new name…
And the variant-manager forgot all the bindings. There is nothing else changed…
Going back to the first version and everything works again.

Version: 4.25.4-14469661+++UE4+Release-4.25

I may have found something:

It links to this:

Basically adding sublevels to get around the problem…

Kind regards,