Hey there! I’ve created a project starting with the “Product configurator” template and then created a new level in which I’ve made my own product. I’ve created and set the variant manager, the camera and his tracker, day/night switch, all good, in the viewport all worked simply perfectly.
When I pressed play, I expected all the variants buttons (as in the tutorial I was following) plus the 2 camera povs, but I only can see two white buttons on the right that do absolutely nothing when pressed. Stopping the game, the message log appears showing 4 errors that look like this one: “Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property VariantSet_5_53DD780140AA80DE303F9FB135D2EA55”. Node: SetText (Text) Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph WBP Popup Selector Blueprint: WBP_PopupSelector”
Is there an “easy” way to fix this or it’s quicker to redo everything in a blank project and just migrate what it’s needed from the product configurator template?
Thank you, have a nice day.