Variant blueprint not working?

i create a variant to change 2 different shape, inside variant editor shape can change, but when i play it’s not working, and eror message show, anyone can help? i attach some screenshots, thanks!

It’s because your get all actors is returning nothing. You need to change the type of thing you’re searching for. I notice the object is actually just an actor.

I don’t know exactly how this varient system works.

EDIT: Right now I’m thinking it’s because you didn’t drag a copy of the variant set into your level ( that’s why you can’t find one )…

Ok, got it working with the index node:


I assume it’s just as easy with the name node, you just have to get the right incantation. Like I say, I think your main problem is you need to actually drag the variant into your level. Then try the index node first…

Edit # 500. I think you have the ‘by name’ node setup correctly:

it’s different sir, you built a blueprint in a level but i made a blueprint using widget blueprint under user interface content browser and not working.

Even if you’re using a widget, you still need to place the variant in the level.