Variable set in user widget from another resets to null for no reason

Setting reference to parent widget in child, not null:

Printing name of parent widget from child, is now null:

This works fine under normal circumstances. There’s something else at play here, something you’re not showing / telling us.

Like what? It seems like a bug to me. All I am doing is setting a variable that I later access in the same BP but then it becomes null. It even does it with bools.
The weird thing is that if I make a setter function and print the variable in that function it isn’t null until I try to access it later.

The issue was that there are actually 2 of these panels in the same widget and I forgot that I named the panel I actually wanted to something else. Literally spent hours trying to sort this out. Thanks though.

Are you sure that the RTSBasePanel variable is set (not null) when you set its parent variable from the parent?
Also, we need a bit more execution context. A lot could happen here.