Variable replication bug

So I want to keep updating a replicated variable on all clients from the server OnTick with just using SET but it does not keep updating it all the time, just sometimes:


I found out that if I change the logic to this it is going to work all the time:

Now the question is why the hell the first method is not working ? It should work…actor is set to replicated.
Thank you if you can help me !

Ahh thanks ! I did not know that replicated variable only changes if it was changed on the server. This misunderstanding caused my issue where I was changing replicated variables on both client and server. :smiley: Also do not worry I don’t want to keep changing any variable to a constant value xd it was just a test to see if my logic works.

The Change in the variable ist only replicated when it is Being Changed on the Server. Why should you Set on all clients a variable to the Same value Like 60 or 120 Times per Seconds!? Thats insane :wink: what are you trying to do?