Variable not showing on the list

I moved a widget blueprint form another project to my actual project and when i compile it i get an error, that the variable has an invalid type Structure. I want to delete the variable, because i don’t need it, but not showing in the variable list. Any ideas?

click on the w_fomenu in the compiler results this will lead to wherever it’s reference is and then once found simply remove it by clicking on it and pressing delete

I tried it, but nothing happened.

how did you moved your widget? you did used migrate right?

That varable is C++ or blueprint?

Yes, i used migrate for the widget blueprint. Then i realised, one folder is missing, but after i copied it, i got a lot off errors, i corrected them, but i couldn’t found that 2 variable.


That seems immposible , are you sure you moved it after compiling the previous projects blueprints and selected your projects content folder? Try refreshing nodes in your BP by right clicking in blueprint and select refresh nodes also try selecting content folder in content browser and right click on it and select fix up redirecteries.

So when you say “moved”, you mean “copied” ? Can you see that variable in your original project? Did you check all visibility options, including showing inherited variables?

That fixed the problem, thanks.

I had this issue as well and the “answer” didn’t help me, So I closed my BP and then right clicked on it in the Content Browser and Selected “Reload” and it asked me if I wanted to remove the Variable that was giving me the issue. I clicked ok and then opened the BP and recompiled and it fixed my issue.


Thank you - this solved my issue!

Actual solution

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