I have created a switch statement at the end of the switch i have created a function inside which changes the Playing_UI variable from True to False.
My Problem the Varaible never Updates to True its always false the deafult value, Im new to this what am i doing wrong, could anyone pls help…
Hey @quixote-family! Welcome to the forums!
Is there another spot in this blueprint where you are using a “Set Playing UI” node to set it to true? Otherwise it will always remain false!
Go check on that, and if you do, let’s see that code!
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Thanks for the reply , but unfortunately, it didn’t work
i Checked, that there isnt any similar variable used else where. I also tried creating a new variable and using that instead but its the same result.
This is inside the In Animation function (just for reference)
If i print string the value after the funcion the value is set to true
but it resets to the default value again when comming through the switch
Hey @quixote-family!
Is there any other code on this widget?
Also is it being created/destroyed? Upon creation, the widget would default all of its variables.