Valley of The Ancient, stuck in transition to dark world

Hi guys,

I want to use the Valley of The Ancient level to experiment a bit with it. The problem I have is that when I try to save a new version of the map with a cutstom name, the main character gets stuck in the transition to the DarkWorld. This issue doesn’t happen with the initial default map. Does somebody know what’s the issue?

Hey @ShinigamiGIO98! Welcome to the forums!

So there are a few reasons this could be happening, I am not familiar with the sample project but that shouldn’t matter here.

What is likely is that by using a custom map, you are creating another map to be added to the list- in project settings → maps there is an order to them. It may be using a “Load Next Level” node when attempting to access the dark world, and the custom level is at the bottom of the list, therefore there is no level to load here.

The way to fix this would be to find where that level-swap code is located (it could be on an object, a trigger volume in the level blueprint, many places) and rewrite it to load a level by name.

Another way is to find that level list and replace the base version in the list with your custom version.

Hope that helps! :slight_smile: