UV Reactive decals with a spesific item

Hi all! It’s my first time posting here and engaging with you all so I apologise if I’ve posted this in the wrong place or formatted something incorrectly. However I have a question around UE Blueprints.

I’m trying to make a spesific item (UV torch in this case) bring out decals that would be clues/codes for an escape room style project I’m working on.

My idea is there is a spesific UV torch that a player needs to use to uncover codes or codes within a room (or rooms) that allow the player to progress; standard escape room style mechanic.

I plan on having the codes be selected from a pool of different codes (I thought about using decals for these, would a decal be the best use?) that are required to open locks, or generally progress.

First question; what would be the best method for having these decals come up when lit up by the torch. Blueprinting is the obvious answer but what would be the right use of nodes? My University course didn’t really touch on blueprints at all past a basic ‘this is something you can do. Cool right?’ Sorta thing

Second question; is it even possible to have the game pull from a pool of decals and have the subsequent lock use the same code? If so, how would that be achieved?

I’ve been trying to teach myself but the documentation is confusing for someone who has basically no working understanding of the tool.

I understand these are rather big questions but I have almost no starting point and I really want to spend time learning Blueprints, the nodes/what they can do and how I can start assembling things myself with some level of self sufficiency.

Thank you all for reading :slight_smile: