After I setted a new UV map in Maya and reimported the mesh, Unreal mix the order of the UV channels.
I tried to re-extract the mesh and reimport again, change the uv name, delete and reimport the mesh, use FBX 2018 and FBX 2019. Nothing change.
I need to have the same UV index for multiple mesh.
Did you try to delete the Asset in UE4 and then re-import it ? I had similar Problems a while ago and that helps me. Did you disable “Generate Lightmap UVs” ?
Yes, I tried but still the same problem.
How do the channels mix up exactly ? Can you perhaps make a screenshot from the order in Maya and in Unreal ? Which channel are you using for your lightmap ?
For lightmap I always use the second map (index 1), but i know that I can change the lightmap index if i need. That’s not the problem.
Here the Maya settings for the UV:
But when I import the mesh in Unreal, here the result (top-right corner for the Unreal order):
I noticed that if I change the order in Maya, change in Unreal too, but it’s a guess which works order (and I need to add another two UV map after), if I only rename the maps in Maya nothing change in Unreal.
Any ideas?
I tried to recreate the Problem with a mesh of mine and everything works just fine. Even if i change the UV order in Maya. Perhaps something is wrong with your mesh ?
I just had the same issue. The way to fix it is very simple once you find it :D!
Go to your 3D software and copy the UV map that you want to appear in UV Channel 0 first.
Once you do this delete the old UV channel. In your case try to copy the UVs in the order you want to appear in Unreal and again delete the old ones.
I know it is supper annoying but it worked for me, I hope it does work for you as well!