Hey, I was wondering if there is a way to procedural alternate the tiling of a uv, either with multiple materials to create slight random variation in a large texture that needs to repeat and avoiding the invisible grid aesthetic, or alternatively panning down a materials uv.
im not sure i understand 100% but to reduce the tiled look you could use macro tiling which creates color variation across a larger area and breaks up the tiled look. another thing to look into would be using a mask and lerp node this way you can combine two textures together and the mask would determine where each one would show up. as for the panning thing im really not sure what you mean but if your looking to change the direction or speed of the pan then you could use a sine node which could add the variation your looking for. a sine node basically provides a value that traverses between 1 and -1 over time, so you could multiply that by a constant value and use that as a pan speed to have a panner which goes in one direction then slows and begins reversing.