I’ve played around all day and can’t get a hang of it.
// The class that will be used for the Items Nameplate
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Interface")
TSubclassOf<class UUserWidget> NameplateUIClass;
// The instance of the Item Nameplate Widget
UPROPERTY(VisibleDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Interface")
class UUserWidget* NameplateWidget;
Both variables should show up within a blueprint which uses this class. As long as I do not build the solution again everything works as expected.
However, if i do rebuild I can’t see them within the blueprint editor.
And now, no matter what I am trying, none of them shows up anymore. There must be something I am overlooking right?
This actually has to be a bug. I’ve recompiled the code today again without any changes to the code. Now both properties show up.
The only thing I can think of is: I did recompile a lot that day and while doing that the editor crashed quite a lot on me while hot reloading. I’ll try to find some crash logs.
The project itself is quite old. I think I’ve created it with the 4.4 Editor. Might that be a thing?
Now if I recompile once again and renamed the category of the uproperty they are gone again.
This time, I’ve closed the the editor to make sure nothing crashes.
Well, creating a whole new project and manually copy pasting the code over there did the job. Propably some project files were quite old. As I said I’ve created the project with the 4.4 engine version I think.