UTimelineComponent not executing update function

I am having issues in UE4.20.2 where my TimelineUpdate function is never getting called when I play the Timeline. I am checking the timeline in the debugger right before I call Play() and I see the RecoilUpdate function under the InterpFloats so it is added to the timeline. (Image about debugger attached to post)

My header file has the following functions/variables:

    UTimelineComponent* RecoilTimeline;

    UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Recoil")
    UCurveFloat* Curve;

    FOnTimelineFloat TimelineUpdate{};
    FOnTimelineEvent TimelineFinished{};

    void RecoilUpdate(float Value);

    void RecoilFinished();

My cpp file has the following functions:

RecoilTimeline = NewObject<UTimelineComponent>(this, FName("TimelineAnimation"));
void ASWeapon::BeginPlay()

    if (Curve)
        TimelineUpdate.BindUFunction(this, FName{ TEXT("RecoilUpdate") });
        TimelineFinished.BindUFunction(this, FName{ TEXT("RecoilFinished") });
        SCREEN_LOG_DETAILED(TEXT("Curve Assigned to timeline"));
        RecoilTimeline->AddInterpFloat(Curve, TimelineUpdate, FName{ TEXT("Value") });


void ASWeapon::RecoilUpdate(float Value)
    SCREEN_LOG_DETAILED(TEXT("Recoil Update"));

void ASWeapon::RecoilFinished()
    SCREEN_LOG_DETAILED(TEXT("Recoil Finished"));

void ASWeapon::PlayFireEffects() {


PlayFireEffects gets called and calls the Play function but nothing else gets called. The debugger snapshot attached shows the function inside the timelime. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.