UT editor suddenly starts crashing on win 8.1 64-bit even after clean OS reinstall

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Hi guys,

My Unreal Tournament Editor was working up fine until yesterday when it started crashing after i tried unsuccesfuly to migrate some assets ( i took a look at the crash logs and it seems the shader compiler crashes when compiling the default grid material or something).in the end I reinstalled my whole Windows 8.1 ( 3 times in a row now to see if it will happen on a clean installation if i download a fresh copy of the editor) but now when i attempt to download the UT editor with the Epic Games launcher , it keeps verifying data and starts downloading in a loop.I tried opening my UT level manually using the UE4editor .exe on another PC with WIndows 7 64-bit and it worked , but even on a clean win 8.1 it doesn’t anymore ( i tried installing in a folder with less than 25 characters in the path,clean all files in user/local/epic/ etc) My Machine ID is ABBA51164830D00364A1E8B81AA5311D and my Epic Account ID is 080012b955ad4fb09e6fb2b1babcfe7d
.I would be really grateful if you can help me with this problem because I’m already pretty deep into making a map for UT and right now I can’t work on it from my own PC.Thanks in advance !

Hi lo6aaaa_kotka,

What assets were you attempting to move over? What steps are you taking to install the editor? Can you post a copy of your dxdiag here so I can take a look? Additionally, how long do you usually wait before closing out the verification process?

Hi ,
I think that now the problem is resolved - this afternoon the EPic Launcher managed to install the UT editor fully without looping ( it seems that it happens randomly, because the constant verifying lasted two whole days and i waited 7 hours for the launcher to complete installation unsuccesfully).I had back -up copy of the UT editor on my external HDD before the crash with the shader compiler happened , so now I copied my folders with the custom content from the HDD to the Content Folder of the newly downloaded UT editor and managed to open my level.Thanks for the quick response though , if I have further issues again I will let you know :slight_smile: Have a nice day !

I’m happy to hear this is no longer an error you are experiencing! I will mark this as answered for tracking purposes. If you do experience this error again, please comment here and we’ll be happy to take another look.