UT editor crashing since update?

Not sure if this is right place…sorry if not.

Last night updated UT4 editor (is it called that or still just UE4?).

It all ran fine 2x nights ago but now if I click play on any map the engine freezes and then crashes out.
Noticed it also runs very slow when it never used to.

Tried repairing and reinstall but still crashes clicking play to test map.

Someone please help, just started learning and now at a brick wall!!!

You don’t have to update the UE4, if you’re satisfied with 4.7 then you can revert back to 4.7 and stick with 4.7 as long as you wish. Not sure if you are using UE4 or UT4. UE4 Is Unreal Engine 4 and UT is Unreal Tournament. Pretty sure they are separate tools. But if you go into your Epic Games Launcher and goto “Library” You’ll notice a yellow “+” sign that reads “Add Versions”, Click that and it’ll automatically add 4.7.6 Just click Install and viola, you’re reverted back to 4.7 and anytime an update comes out you can choose to stay with 4.7 by cancelling the update. (at least I always have) Hope this helps!

Make sure to post UT questions into the UT forum :slight_smile: https://forums.unrealtournament/
Could you post your crash log? -> yourproject/saved/logs/the file which gets generated after the crash