I’ve been working on a project with UE 5.1 where I manually build a mesh with vertices/indices and create a UStaticMesh in C++. I do it in an Actor’s BeginPlay, and then assign it to the actor’s UStaticMeshComponent with SetStaticMesh. This has been working fine for many weeks now, and launching PIE would start instantly, the mesh was correct, etc.
I updated the project to UE 5.2 and suddenly my call to BuildFromMeshDescriptions is taking 2 minutes and 24 seconds to complete! Every time I launch PIE. What can I… what the-
bump I migrated back to 5.1 (which was painful) and the issue went away. Then I created a new 5.2 project, made a new class and copied in the code to create the mesh… and reproduced the issue again.
Is anyone else creating static meshes in code…? Here’s how I’m doing it: