I try to do the voice streaming on Android, when I do this
Whenever I try to do VoiceComp->Play() I get the following message.
UAudioComponent* VoiceComp;
AAmbientSound * soundSource;
USoundWaveProcedural* SoundStreaming;
SoundStreaming = NewObject<USoundWaveProcedural>();
SoundStreaming->SampleRate = 16000;
SoundStreaming->NumChannels = 1;
SoundStreaming->SoundGroup = SOUNDGROUP_Voice;
SoundStreaming->bLooping = false;
VoiceComp = Cast<UAudioComponent>(soundSource->GetComponents()[0]);
VoiceComp->Sound = SoundStreaming;
D/UE4 (27150): [2016.04.14-19.06.24:643][ 0]LogAndroidAudio:Warning: FAILED OPENSL BUFFER Enqueue SL_PlayerBufferQueue 0x2 params( 0x0, 0)
D/UE4 (27150): [2016.04.14-19.06.24:643][ 0]LogAndroidAudio:Warning: Setup failed SoundWaveProcedural_0
Seems like the crash come from OpenSL enqueue method, giving me invalid parameter error.