Hey there!
This is my first post.
I recently downloaded UE4 to play around with it.
I’m coming from XNA, LibGDX, MonoGame in which I learned the basics, but to go further, I wanted to use something to handle the low-level
stuff to give me more time to focus on the Game-Design, Gameplay etc.
I decided to start with a little game using a Controller (Xbox or PS) in which the controls change.
What I mean is, there are different game-modes (and with game-mode I mean, that they need different Key-Maps):
Conversation with NPC
The 4 Action keys for Normal might be:
Attack to enter Battle
When Facing to a NPC and standing in a specific range, the Attack-Button should change to TalkTo button.
In Battle the 4 Action-Buttons should be mapped to different attacks, depending on how the player bound the attacks to the buttons.
In conversation there are only two buttons active (player movement is inactive) in which the player can press
Continue/Accept or Cancel while the axis controlles the different choises.
My attempt is (in order to not use static patterns) is to use something like Events.
When an Event occures (for example the NPC is in range and the Player looks at it) it changes
the keys to the desired actions. On leave it changes back.
When in Menu Player-Controll should be inactive and only the Menu can be controlled and that time.
Here I wanted to give every Menu-Choise an Event which is activated when the Choise is selected and the player press the Accept-Button, while the
Back-Button goes to the higher Menu-Level. The Close-Button will close the Menu and return to the game.
I do not want to use different Levels as I want to use the same behaviour to a muliplayer-version and it would look kinda funny if
a Player disappears if he enters the menu.
So my question is: Is there any other way to accomplish this tasks which might be a more elegant solution (for example, I just saw a blueprint called widget)?
And sorry for my bad english. It’s not my mother tongue.
Thank you!