Using world composition, how do I add level/landscape LODs without Simplygon?

It looks like you can easily generate LODs for landscapes from the Level Details screen via Simplygon, but I can’t find any information on how to set these up without Simplygon.

So, two questions:

  1. What is the best way to export the landscape from a given level as a mesh?
  2. How do I put it back in as a LOD level as referred to here under LODSettings:

This question touched on the issue in the comments, but there weren’t any answers provided. The relevant documentation doesn’t address any methods of handling this other than using Simplygon.


Exporting landscape to a static mesh does not require Simplygon, but unfortunately there is currently no UI to do so. You could modify FWorldTileCollectionModel::GenerateLODLevels function and remove code that checks Sympligon availability. If you need to export only landscapes that should work for you, as Simplygon is required only for static mesh simplifying.

Hallo i would Like to Know where i need to Copy My LOD file so that World Composition would use it on my Map

i Have really Simple Setup … Main map with Skybox and Clouds , then i have Map1, Map2, Map3 , Map4
I Imported the LOD fail with name Map2_LOD1 , i placed it in same Folder where is all my Maps (Map1, Map2, Map3, Map4) but nothing happaning … i set the distance and so …and test Play but no LOD shows up just level Streaming where Map2 unloads and loads on distance

Can Someone Explain where i need to Add this LOD file so that my Map2 would change LOD not Completely disappear on Level streaming.

I would Love to have Step by Step explenation … for World Composition



Yes, you should put Map2_LOD1 into the same folder as Map2. Then you need to setup LOD streaming distance like in this screen.

Hey man :slight_smile: I did it like you are showing only i dont have that Generate button …as i dont have Simplpoly. but the thing is I made Static mesh with name_LOD1 not the actual map.

But tinkering more and more i Found out that you Need to make a New Map not a Static mesh to have that _LOD1 information

I would suggest to add to Documentation that … its not the Static mesh file what needs to have that _LOD1 name but a new Map with that static mesh inside in that Map to LOD work …

I hope i will be able to make short Video tutorial as i see that ppl have problem to understand this topic.

thnx for your response