Is it possible to read in/bind key frame data to a variable in the animation tracks in widget blueprints? It would be good for dynamically changing animations.
Or is it possible to access and change the key frames in animations through blueprints?
Bind variable just (I’m told) runs every Tick so you can just set this up in your Widget’s Tick event handler and get the same effect, by accessing the nodes XRayImage → SetRenderTransform(whatyouwantforX, whatyouwantforY) or something like that.
Yes, this would be awesome to have. I have this hover and unhover animation that flickers too much. I know I can do this manually with tick, but it would just be nice to bind them to current values.
I just realized that my flicker issue can be worked around by reverse playing the animation at its current time and similarly for forward animation at the current time.
Hey I know this topic is more than 2 years old but if anyone is still wondering how to do it here it is : in the variable settings there is the “Expose to Cinematics” option that allows variable control from sequencers !