Hello. In the UE5 editor, using Undo freezes, but this only happens after the project is added to Perforce. To troubleshoot, I create a new UE5.1.1 project using film/video & live events + blank template with no starter content on my local drive. I can then create a cube, translate it and undo it with no problem. HOWEVER! If I close and add the project to perforce via Helix and reopen it, any undo (ctrl+z) will take @20 seconds. Wondering if this might be a permissions problem in Perforce but not sure which file that be inside the project.
Perforce has been working fine on all our 4.26 projects.
Using perforce Helix visual client (2019 May 01) Rev. P4V/NTX64/2019.1/1797168
Anyone with experience of this, or any ideas on how to fix this, is greatly appreciated! Cheers!
Do you have everything set to be able to be written or are you checking things out? You really should go with that method. From your description, what sounds like is happening is that it’s automatically uploading things to Helix while you are working on it, so the Undo is having to pull an old version from Perforce.
Does that help give an idea of what the problem might be? That might not help at all, say if you actually are using the checkout/upload method.
Is the checkout/upload method a way users work or something set in Perforce? Please could you clarify?
We’re not checking things out to work on them.
I have made some progress and found a fix for local users by unchecking the Read-Only attribute on the Saved folder. (Perforce/Helix then adds it back) However, this attribute fix doesn’t propagate through Perforce. So each local user needs to apply it.
Perhaps we need to create a p4ignore for this folder? Can anyone confirm? Asking for clarification on Perforce.
So the “Saved” and “Intermediate” folders do not need to be monitored by perforce. This is one reason why, so go ahead and just completely remove that from the version control.
Using “Checkout” makes it so that only the one who has the checked out file can modify it. Then once it’s done, that user uploads it back to perforce causing an auto-check-in, users use “Get Changes” to get the updates.
Are you just uploading changes? They shouldn’t be able to be uploaded without checking out the file first. It’s a very important part of version control so multiple people aren’t modifying the same file at the same time.