Using UMG image bigger than the size of the canvas


As a transition between menus I use a big image that translates vertically to hide the screen completely so that I can change what is displayed behind. The image I use has three time the height of the screen. The problem is that the root canvas hides the part of the image that is outside of it so that when the image is translated, only a small part of the image is displayed.

Is there a way to avoid that? The only solution I found is to cut the image in several part and translate the part independently.

Another solution is to scale the image. It is a better solution, but still not ideal

It does work if the image initially fits in the root canvas. The problem is that I want to use an image bigger than the root canvas.

Can you try to do the same thing with an image that is twice the size of the screen? If you do that, the image will be cut to fit the size of the screen. That’s my problem.

You’re using black magic !

Or you’re scaling the image?

Instead of Translate use Position for Animation


more than double size :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: