Using UE4 in a movie production

Am I allowed to use Unreal Engine 4 during a production of a movie or television show if it will be sold? Should I convince a film director pay 5% royalties from each movie ticket or DVD just because only I use it in a pipeline to make some effects or is there any other way to use the engine in a non-game related project?


There are no royalties for using UE4 in linear/non-interactive productions like movies or TV.

Then I would like ask a follow-up question:
If you for an instance want to use meshes from Kite-Demo as background?

If that would be a whole different matter, what steps could I make to get permissions for that?
If I make only make a short film just for fun and share on youtube versus making a serious film and want to go all commercially with the aid of UE4 and assets that comes with it.

I have lately felt that UE4 definitely has a bright future for film making.

Even if you use the sample assets, if your Product is linear/non-interactive, then it’s still royalty free (and totally permitted under the EULA).

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