We are creating a game using Unreal Engine 4, can we use the animated logo of UE4 (as for example in the Infiltrator demo UE4 Infiltrator Real-Time Demo | Unreal Engine - YouTube) in the trailer of this game? Where can we get the source for such a logo?
The subscription EULA doesn’t include a trademark license, but we hope to have an optional trademark license soon for this kind of use.
So how about overall logo usage? For example in the Kickstarter campaign, on our website etc.? We want people to know, that we are using UE4 to develop our game. For most cases, you (Epic) should too. What is the time frame for the optional trademark license? We would like to release the trailer in 4 weeks. Maybe there is someone in the marketing department we can approach directly on this?
Hi there, we have finally published our branding and style guidelines:
You can also access the logo downloads and TM license here.
Best of luck with your game and the Kickstarter campaign!
Thank you!
Where I can get full unreal engine animated logo with sound please please please
All of our current logos are posted at Unreal Engine Branding-Richtlinien und Verwendung von Markenzeichen - Unreal Engine. At the moment, the animated logo is a simple fade-in, fade-out, with no sound. We are updating the animated logo to include sound, and we expect to release that soon, but we can’t guarantee a date just yet. You are welcome to add sound to the current logo. Please be sure to complete the trademark license agreement at the branding link above and send it to Epic legal (email address is included in the form). Thanks and best of luck with your project.