Using two different MassEntityConfigAssets with MassSpawner

Goal: I want to utilize MassEntity to produce a ZoneShape where two different MassEntityAssetConfigs can be spawned on it via the MassSpawner.

Issue: Only the entity at the top index of Entity Types in the MassSpawner settings is spawned. (See images below)

Troubleshooting: I have also tried using two different MassSpawner’s each with a different MassEntityAssetConfig but still only one entity is spawned.

You can have multiple entity configs on a single spawner and have all of them spawned. We do this in the City Sample project which you can test in the MassCrowd level with the various vehicles.

What engine version are you using? In 5.3, there was a bug with duplicating Mass entity config assets where the GUID for the asset would also be duplicated. This would cause the spawner to only create entities from the first entity config added. If you recreate one of your Mass entity configs from scratch, can you add it to the spawner with the other one to see if both are created?
