Timeline should really output a 0-1 float track that serves as alpha to Lerp between 2 values. You prepare data before the TL starts and then use the TL’s output to shift between those 2 locations.
This way you have a single vector variable and the actor would move by that much each time the timeline is activated.
I have a BP class which I can move left and right.
I want to be able to move the staticmesh in more directions, without duplicating the class and creating a ton of timelines.
Is there an easier way to do this? I will attach a picture of my nodes.
Right now I am just checking if a boolean is true or false, and have 2 timelines. Is it possible to have all this in 1 timeline, instead of creating duplicate classes and multiple timelines?
If you have a Block Actor spawning the same Block Actor (which spawns another actor (which will spawn the same actor (which will spawn the same actor)))…, that’d be an infinite loop, sure.
Yea I tried creating a new actor with that code, but the result was the same? But I figured out how to make what I wanted with inspiration from your code!