Using the retarget system of game animation sample on my own character

Hi, I am using the game animation sample, to retarget to my own character, well that works right but I need to add a blend per bone node after the retargeting, to blend a custom animation, the bones are unique for my character, so in the main animation blueprint nor the retarget animation blueprint, can’t work cos bones are not there, to fix that I created the regular blueprint animation for my character, but copying the code of the game animation sample retargeting blueprint into the one that I created, all the code looks to find everything it needs to work right but It doesn’t work

You can see that the one with the game animation sample retarget system works fine.
but the one I am using is not working, and the code looks to work perfectly

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Here’s the fix, change this on the parent mesh.

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Thank you about your solution, that needs to be set to work right, in the end I created a child of the retargeted blueprint, then I could set my own skeleton, but then the animation looks like is not working right, cos in the blueprint animation is not playing the parent animations, you can see it here

it is weird but it works on the character, you have to set up like this

In the end It would be better if you could see it working on the animation child blueprint too, but works on the character blueprint

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