Can i use the (New FPS Weapon Pack in Marketplace) in My game And license it (Trademark)
If you purchase the FPS Weapon Pack in the Marketplace, you may use it in your game. You may also license your game under a permitted license per the EULA, but I’m not sure what you mean by or about trademarks.
Thank’s for your help, i Just saw the Twitch Live Stream yesterday about The Law in games, but my question is , if i used the weapons in The marketplace ,will then do i need a permission to use the gun for example because maybe it has the name of the gun used in the military so i will risk some problems ?? That’s my question , it also fits with Vehicles like cars.Thank’s
Glad you saw the Twitch - there was at least somebody out there : )
When you purchase an asset from the Marketplace, you have the right to include it in your game without additional licensing. That said, if an asset looks like a particular gun, we aren’t licensing you the rights to use the official name for that gun. Same goes for a car - if a Marketplace asset looks like a GTR, we can’t license you the right to use the trademark GTR (and our Marketplace asset pack won’t call it GTR).
You mentioned that FPS Weapon Pack and we looked at it harder and there are a couple of updates that need to be made along those lines so expect an update to that asset pack soon.