Using the Kinect for real-time body tracking.

Hello everyone.

I just bought a custom meta-human on unreal engine 5, for real time animation during my stream sessions.
However I’m lost with all the possibilities for motion capture, anyone to help please?

I’d like to use Insta360 link for face tracking, and one of the Kinect versions (V1, V2 or Azure) for body tracking.

But I don’t know if this is possible, or how.
If it is possible, how do I go about it?

If it’s not possible, what do you recommend that’s good quality tracking, without being overpriced, as might be the case with Mocap suits?

Thank you for your advice.
PS: Sorry if I’ve put myself in the wrong category on the forum.

You may try this, it’s easy to use with MetaHuman

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Thanks for sharing an alternative solution.
Just to be sure, this application works well with real time use, not recording?
I see there is a trial version, how long is it?

If others can share their knowledge following my first post, thank you in advance to the participant.

You can record facial and motion using Take Recorder, and the program can export BVH files.

There will be some pauses in live streaming, and 20s limit for recording.
