Using the green question mark discs in Content Examples?

I know this is probably a dumb question, but how do I access or use these little spinning green and white question mark discs in the Content Examples? I assume they pull up some information in some way. I can’t seem to find any list of controls for playing or launching any of these Content Example Maps. I would like to interact with everything as intended.

Thank you.


If you select the question marks, which are known as Documentation Actors, in the viewport, you will see a button appear in the Details panel called Open Help URL. Clicking this button will take you to relevant documentation on our website.

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OK, so its not something to interact with in Play or Simulation mode then.

Thank you for the reply.

I know this thread is old but, the green question mark discs all link to the generic page about the Content Examples sample project which also indicates that this project is updated for UE 5.

The links, for example: Resources/ContentExamples/Lighting/1_3 no longer work which makes the Content Examples sample project virtually useless.

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I don’t understand how this topic has been marked as solved. It has very much not been solved.
This is kind-of a big deal, and hasn’t been addressed since your post in 2023.
When the documentation from was replaced (not migrated) by different documentation at, the in-editor hyperlinks for the Content Examples projects all broke in that they all redirect to the same page which does not contain the relevant information to follow along with the interactive tutorials.
Epic’s documentation team could’ve at least made an archive somewhere for us to download or included the relevant articles as part of the Content Examples folders like how they provide an offline version of the Blueprint API and the C++ API when you download a copy of the engine.

The only reason I’ve found online for why they made this change in the first place was Search Engine Optimization, but how necessary is SEO to Unreal Engine documentation, when we already knew where to come when we needed Unreal Engine documentation anyhow?
It doesn’t make much sense to have just obliterated a bunch of very important resources that are integrated into existing Content Examples which are a primary learning resource for the engine.
It doubly makes no sense to deface the entire documentation in the name of SEO when it is readily apparent that Google (and other search engines) are getting worse and worse at doing the job of taking you to the content you want to go to out of desire to filter out content that they don’t like (which seems to be almost everything except whatever knick-knacks and agendas they’re trying to sell to you on any particular day.)
I hope that knowledge of this situation somehow makes it to Martina Santoro the new Epic For Indies community manager, since this is something that hugely effects indies trying to learn the engine.

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