So I am working on a blueprint multiplayer game and I am using the tutorials posted on the official UE youtube channel(the tutorials are made in UEv4.11, and I am working in UEv4.16.1). While doing the main menu I found out that the “ShowTheMainMenu” custom event doesn’t fire when casted from the GameInfoInctanse inside the level blueprint. I worked around that and copied the notes into the level blueprint and that worked just fine.
I don’t know what to do, the code gets very messy without the custom events, please help!
Here’s a screenshot of the custom event I am calling
he meant that casting the custom event from inside the level blueprint did not work, but bringing the entire custom event to the level blueprint did the job.
i don’t see what is wrong here, but it is not 4.16. i did that tutorial just recently.
Yeah, you have to cast to your specifically branded game instance. If you made a custom game instance file named “ThisIsMyGameInstance,” then when you pull off the “get game instance node,” you would search for “cast to thisismygameinstance.” If you input the wrong name, it will fail to cast every time and never be called. Casting to something, in this manner, is entirely about specificity. When you cast to the wrong one, it will fail because A) It’s not even loaded and B) Even if it was, it would be like “Hey, this current game instance that you’re feeding me doesn’t match up with who I am and therefore I won’t do anything with it.”