Using the Break Constraint node - why do some constraints not break?

I am working on a simple dismemberment system. I want to break constraints using the Break Constraint node, but only a few constraints actually work:
the only bones i can break

The bones I circled in red are the only bones that work. Why don’t the other bones work? Is there a setting for this I might not have clicked?

Here’s a list of all constraints:

Does anyone know how to fix this? Unfortunately there’s not much information on the Break Constraint node.

I found the issue. Turns out constraints are named “UserConstraint” for some reason and it’s not evidently possible to change this name. The Break Constraint node uses this joint name. For my system, I simply made an array of the bone names and a parallel array of the joint names (UserConstraint_0, UserConstraint_1, and so on). These names work.
