I have had some minor success with this in the last few days. I might be the only one who cares about this, but I’ll post my findings just in case this is helpful to someone out there. Sorry this is a bit tl;dr.
Taking the skeleton from UE4 into blender makes it somehow incompatible with the original. So making animations in blender and trying to take them back to into UE4 won’t work. I originally thought this was because the bone hierarchy changes when you import the skeletal mesh into blender, but even once I fixed the hierarchy, it still doesn’t work.
It’s possible that if you had the original skeletal mesh FBX file made by the Unreal team, you could import that into blender with no problems.
You can however just replace the skeletal mesh and animations. Here’s the blender file I made, with animations and export settings. The problem with that is the skeleton is 100x bigger than it needs to be and resizing it down causes errors in the editor. It still comes out normal size in the engine because I exported it with a scale of 1.00.
If you’re going to replace the skeletal mesh and animations anyway, you might as well just use the old rig they provided or my version that has IK bones added