Using Server Custom Events in Interface Actions

I’m attempting to implement a local networking system where clients decide hits and the server determines if they are valid given a leniency. To that end, I have my player’s weapon trigger an interface event for damage. In this early state, I am just killing the target based on what the client says. However, I’ve run into a problem. My custom action that runs on the server works fine until it is recieved through an interface event, like so:

In this example, pressing the ‘suicide’ key successfully requests death, printing the “Request Recieved!” message and causing all the death-related actions. However, triggering the custom event prints the “Requesting Damage…” message but never prints “Request Recieved!” nor does it handle other death effects, as though it’s ignoring the custom action call entirely. No warnings of any sort are produced. Are custom actions simply not supported within interface events? Am I missing something obvious?

Thank you for reading, and thank you for any input you may have!