Using (Save As) I backed up a Level Version of my Original Project, How do you Merge Level the updated level and replace original project level with New Level Version that was saved?

Using (Save As) I backed up a Level Version of my Original Project, How do you Merge Level the updated level and replace original project level with New Level Version that was saved?

I created a project, completed my island map, and published.
I saved my level onto my harddrive in UEFN.
I saved the project as Version 1. Then I saved Version 2 using (Level - SAVE AS)
How can I bring Level Version 2 into my original Project and replace the Project with my (Level Version 2 - Save As) on my harddrive?
I cannot find the option to replace project Level with backup i saved on the harddrive.

Thank you so much!

Hey there, I’m rying my best to understand the issue you’re running into. When you save a level it will always be inside the project file, are you not seeing the Version 2 level in your Content Browser? Or are you asking how to set the version 2 level as the default level?

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Thank you I found the answer I was just changing my default map to the duplicate level backup file saved on my hard drive.