our UI desing uses the standard xcode naming convention for the UI assets he provides us.
I was attempting to use some provided textures for UI Implementation using a blude print widget.
When creating an image and setting the texture in Brush->Image each time i selected a texture with ~ in the name or folder name the texture was never assigned leaving the box blank.
Version 4.7.3 - 2479750
Hi Soluis -
Thank you for your report, I have entered a bug report for this issue and will keep you informed as we investigate a solution to it, for reference UE-12908.
Eric Ketchum
I’m not objecting the developer’s decisions but they should not forget that the tilde sign is not an uncommon character in the PC world. There must be millions of resource files with the tilde in their names, because one time it was a mandatory character and it is still used by many utilities and design programs with old exporting algorithms.