Using Paragon characters in a music video?

Hello, I am a musician and videographer and I use UE4 for making cinematics for video projects.
This is my problem:
We want to make a club video with a lot of dancing party people. Since we are in times of corona, we can’t throw a party so we decided to build our own club in Unreal. Now we had the idea, that it would be much funnier, if we animate the free Paragon characters from the marketplace instead of using greenscreen actors. Are we allowed to use them in our commercial music video?

Thanks for any answers!

Yes, absolutely! As long as you are complying with the following:

Licensed for use with the Unreal
Engine only. Without a custom license
you cannot use to create sequels,
remasters, or otherwise emulate the
original game or use the original
game’s trademarks, character names, or
other IP to advertise or name your