Using non colored laserscan data

Hi all,

I was wondering if RC can handle non colorized laserscan data in combination with images.


We aren’t using the laserscan data for texturing but only for the alignment/reconstruction proces. The laserscan data was gathered rather late so the captured data is quite dark compared to the images. Because of this we were wondering if RC would be able to use the scans without the color data. 


So in short: How does Reality Capture process the laserscan data and match the images? Is it possible to to match the images and if it is possible, how will this affect the projects alignment probability?

I have the same question!


We have multiple scanners but not all can capture photos. Also have a problem where our Trimble X7 control software crashed and after restart went back to default setting so we ended up missing images for some of the scans. Wonder if we still can merge those with the photogrammetry data? 


it is possible to combine images and laser scans even if they are uncolored (imported as intensity/intensity) if the overlap between them is sufficient. It may affect your project, but it all depends on your inputs.

But for texturing use only images (select laser scans in 1Ds view and disable them for texturing in Selected inputs panel).

You can use them even for texturing, but mesh is going to be monochromatic.