Hey, I’m having some issues trying to send a decent amount of information to all connected clients using a NetMulticast function.
I’m sending an array with a varying size between 0-50 once ever 16th of a second where every entry has the size of about ~28 bytes.
The problem occurs when the size if the TArray stays at around 50 for a bigger period of time, the client then starts spitting out this message:
“LogNetPlayerMovement:Warning: CreateSavedMove: Hit limit of 96 saved moves (timing out or very bad ping?)”
after which the replication for all actors stops working for a while
I have tried googeling this error but so far I’ve come up dry, did however pin down the error message to the CharacterMovementComponent at line 9291 if (SavedMoves.Num() >= MaxSavedMoveCount)
I have tried changing the value of MaxSavedMoveCount but to no avail.
Would appreciate some light upon this issue or maybe some form of workaround
For anyone else who finds this, I’ve concluded that using RPC/Replication to send large amounts of data is not preferable so I’m gonna try using the built in UDP Socket system to send this information
Sorry to resuscitate this thread, but that is the first answer that pops up on google.
After investigation that is what I found:
This means that the server is not Acknowledging the moves back to the client.
When the move is acknowledged by the client the move is freed, leaving space for the next move data.
The acknowledgement happens when APlayerController::SendClientAdjustment is called,
which fetch the MovementComponent from the Controlled Pawn and send the acknowledgement.
To fix the issue you need to check how you setup your Controller and Pawns
since some Pawns are trying to have movement prediction but have missing controllers.