Is it possible to have a Player character move using the navmesh? (similar to how “AI move to” behaves).
It is for a diablo-like movement system (click to move, dodges obstacles in your path).
I tried using the regular “AI move to” node but Blueprint tells me it needs an AI controller to work.
“Simple Move” seems to do this but it’s not working in multiplayer. So I’m wondering if there’s an easy fix for this.
I got this working by attaching the camera to a fake AI controlled character but I’m loosing all benefits of being able to call “Owning Character” and all convenient references.
It’s been a while, but I believe I used these settings to get simple move working in multiplayer:
Character -> CharacterMovementComponent
Use Acceleration For Paths Checked Use Acceleration is MANDATORY for client movement to work!
Project Settings -> Engine -> Navigation Mesh
Force Rebuild on Load Checked
Runtime Generation Dynamic
Project Settings -> Engine -> Navigation Settings
Allow Client Side Navigation Checked