I converted a project from 4.5.1 to 4.6, and the project would crash trying to open in the editor. I figured out that it was a media player asset in the project which was causing the crash so I removed it. The project now opens fine, but anytime I try to recreate the asset in the 4.6.1 editor it crashes at the point that I try to link the video to the media player asset. I have tried both wmv’s which worked fine in 4.5.1, and mp4’s with no luck.
I have actually come across the error you are experiencing before and will do some further investigation as to why this is occurring. In the meantime, the work around that I used and that I suggest is to completely delete any assets associated with the ‘Media Player Asset’ in your project.
Save your project and exit out of the editor. Go into the Content folder for this particular project (found within your Unreal Projects folder in your Documents by default). Find the folder labeled ‘Movies’ and open this to locate your Media file. Create a copy of the Media file and move it to your desktop. Now completely delete the ‘Movies’ folder and create a new one with the same name.
Now move the copied Media file from your desktop back into this folder. Open up your project and create a new ‘Media Player Asset.’ Use the browse option to locate your Media file and set it to ‘From URL’ for the ‘Stream Mode.’
Hopefully this works for you, but if you are still experiencing an issue let me know and we can try something else.