Using Live Link curve values without corresponding morph targets


I have a character with a single eye, which has morph targets for that eye set up to match the morph targets used by Live Link. What I would like is to be able to use both the left and right morph targets to drive the single eye on the character, but I would still like to track if it was the left or right eye that Live Link is tracking for use elsewhere in the animation blueprint.

I am currently using a remap asset and overriding the function GetRemappedCurveNames to remap the curves from Live Link, to the morph targets on my character’s skeletal mesh. This works just fine, I can just remap both the EyeBlinkLeft and EyeBlinkRight curves to my character’s eyeBlink morph target curve. What I can’t figure out is how to flag if the initial curve that came from Live Link was the left or right one. Since neither EyeBlinkLeft nor EyeBlinkRight exist as morph target curves in my skeletal mesh, I can’t just use a GetCurveValue node in the animation blueprint.

Is there a way to either get the initial curve data from Live Link before it remaps it, or for that overridden function GetRemappedCurveNames to reach out to from itself → the remap asset → the Live Link animation node using the remap asset → the animation blueprint?


Don’t remap EyeBlinkLeft and EyeBlinkRight curves in LiveLinkRemap. nstead, read them in animation blueprint and save in a variable. Then apply this variable in Anim Graph with “Modify Curve” node after “Live Link”. The only flaw here is a delay for one frame for eyes.

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Thanks for your response! Since the skeletal mesh doesn’t have morph targets called EyeBlinkLeft and EyeBlinkRight, all the attempts I’ve made to read the values of these curves in the animation blueprint just return a value of 0.0. Is there a way other than GetCurveValue to read the values of the live link morph targets?

But what if you add curves in skeleton editor (open skeleton, then Window → Anim Curves, then RMB and “Add Curve”)? Then, LiveLink should update these curves (but, of course, remap asset shouldn’t remap them to morph targets).

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Ahh, fantastic thank you! I didn’t realize I could add new curves this way.